Serving the East Valley from 1900 to the present.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Message from MCB Director, Larry Baedke

As the director of the Mesa City Band, I am continually impressed with its members. As an educator I was always a believer in what music can do for a person's sense of self-worth. The feeling of accomplishment doesn't have to wait for a printout of final results -- it's immediate. This feeling elevates one's spirit and spills over into other non-related pursuits. This is evident in schools that have instrumental music programs.

After leaving instrumental programs in the public schools, many continue to enjoy music by performing in various adult ensembles. You could even say they have "unfinished business". This unfinished business comes in various forms; some are striving to increase their musicianship, while others simply enjoy the camaraderie of joining with others to create beautiful music.

It is my privilege and honor to direct a group of people who exemplify an enduring love for instrumental music. This year you will have an opportunity to hear them in a public performance at the Mesa Arts Center on March 9th, in the Piper Theater. Be sure to look for more information on our website as the time approaches!


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